I'm a nurse, but sometimes I... reflect back on the time when I wasn't.
This blog post pertains to those who haven't taken the NCLEX yet. Whether you're taking it soon, or in a few years, this post may be of some use to you. I know that when I took the test for the first time, I read up on everything there was to know about it. This included a trick to finding out your test results immediately after taking the test! It sounds so appealing, but it was actually my demise the first time.
What is the trick? This trick can only be completed once you've taken the NCLEX. To do it, you simply sign into your account on Pearson Vue's website, exactly where you registered for the test. Then, complete the following steps:
1. Observe your list of scheduled tests. Next to the test you just took, the status should say "delivery successful". If it doesn't, wait for it to change before you do this trick.
2. Click "reschedule a test". Fill in all of your information as if you would be taking the test again. You will go through a series of pages... just keep continuing!
3. Finally, you will either get to the credit card information page, or you will get a pop up. If you reach the credit card page, there is a good chance that you failed. I have heard about people passing after getting that page, but the chances are slimmer. I know that sounds harsh, and trust me, it is.
If you get a pop up that states, "Our record indicates that you have recently scheduled this exam. Please contact your Member Board for further assistance. Another registration cannot be made at this time.", congratulations, you passed! I have heard the pop up is a great indicator of passing.
Finding out your results immediately after the test sounds extremely appealing, I know. I've been there. When I took the NCLEX the first time, I knew in my heart that I had failed. I quickly exited the building and ran to my car, where I did the trick, and went straight to the credit card page. It was only a confirmation of what I already knew, but it crushed me. I then had to drive an hour home, which turned into almost two hours because of traffic. It was absolutely miserable.
Once I got home, I had to wait 48 hours to pay for quick results through Pearson Vue. These two days were up there with the most miserable days of my life. I kept trying to convince myself that the PVT isn't 100% accurate, and that there had been people who got to the credit card page who also ended up passing. Bottom line, the trick messes with your mind completely. I wish that I would have never tried it that first time, because although I had a feeling I had failed, those 48 hours wouldn't have been spent wondering if the trick was wrong. It gave me a false sort of hope that it could be wrong, because I had heard it had been wrong before.
Of course, whether or not you do the trick is a personal decision. In my opinion, however, it is less of a mind game to just wait for your official results, because then you can't pretend that they may be wrong. When I took the NCLEX the second time, I didn't do the trick. Whether I passed or failed, I didn't want to find out that way and I'm glad I made that decision!
To those of you taking the NCLEX soon, good luck! You can definitely do it.
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