
Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Why Nurses Can Love Grey's Anatomy

I'm a nurse, but sometimes I... like to watch medical dramas that some people think represents 
nurses poorly.

I've loved Grey's Anatomy since the beginning of the series. Before I even wanted to be a nurse, I watched Grey's Anatomy. I loved the drama and excitement each episode displayed, and I got so emotionally involved with each character, you'd think I knew them in real life. But, alas, I don't. I have never seen McDreamy on any of my hospital floors, to my dismay. And I do understand that it is the general opinion that my profession isn't well represented on this show. 

I disagree with this. I think that there are a lot of similarities between this television and real life, though they may be stretched. Of course Grey's Anatomy is going to be a little more unbelievable... it's a television show. Of course one hospital probably isn't going to face a bomb explosion, an armed gunman, and a plane crash of residents, but that doesn't mean it could never happen. Part of watching a fictional show is being able to suspend your disbelief, right?

I love Grey's Anatomy because over all of its seasons, the writers have been able to deeply develop each character. Whether they were on the show since the beginning, or came in sometime after, there have been special moments with each person that made you feel something towards them. Whether you hate them or love them, that reflects real life. Each character on the show portrays a different personality, and each character has something about them that any viewer can relate to. Sure, there are doctors like Christina Yang. Many that I've run into are medicine-focused, and sometimes come off a little cold, but she does ultimately care about her patients. 

My main point is that it does reflect real-life medicine, though far-fetched. The medical aspect is usually close to accurate, though sometimes wrong... but I'm not trying to learn what I do from a television show. And as for the nursing aspect of it, I haven't really seen much wrong with their portrayal of nurses. Sure, they are treated like they're not important, but on every episode in which a nurse is mentioned, they are there taking care of their patients. They are on top of a code, and the doctors wouldn't be able to do their jobs without them. It may go unnoticed, but sometimes that is how being a nurse works.

There are rude doctors in this world who will treat us like our job isn't important. But one thing I know, and one thing the nurses on Grey's Anatomy seem to know, is that my job is important. And I'll keep taking care of my patients to the best of my abilities, regardless of what the doctors think. So really, the show is only a stretched out version of the truth, right?

Now, I may be putting my foot in my mouth... I'm sure on this week's premier, something else totally unbelievable is going to happen. But like I said, just because all of these events are unlikely to happen to one hospital doesn't mean it's impossible! Just enjoy the tv show for what it is... a television show! 

1 comment:

  1. agreed! I was working yesterday so I missed the first episode but my husband and I will probably watch it tonight. :)
