
Friday, August 30, 2013

#Quick Bite

I'm a nurse, but sometimes I... give helpful advice to those still in nursing school.

For those of you on twitter, you may be familiar with the #advicetobabynursingstudents trend. Multiple nursing "anons" take part in the advice-giving, and they all have some good tips for those who are still in nursing school. I've taken part, and have decided to bring those tips into the blog world; I'll elaborate on the advice with some personal testimonies so you all know they really work! Hopefully this will be just another tool to get each of you through the challenge that we call nursing school. We begin with something simple:

Always pack an extra protein bar, package of crackers, etc. in your clinical bag!

I truly found this to be one of my most important pieces of advice when it comes to clinical. You definitely don't want to be stuck at clinical all day with nothing to eat, especially if you didn't eat anything before getting there. (Another tip... ALWAYS eat breakfast!) Even after eating breakfast, I would usually be hungry by 9am. We didn't eat lunch until around noon, and we had a very short amount of time to eat.

You don't want to be there nursing student who passes out at clinical or has low blood sugar because they didn't eat anything and weren't prepared. You are expected to be on your feet, and on top of your patient's schedule, and that is difficult to do on an empty stomach! Besides, it's so simple to throw a protein bar or bag of goldfish crackers before you're headed out the door.
Hopefully you all utilize this tip, because it's an important one. There were many times that I was thankful I could sneak away for a minute to eat my bar; I had the energy to last a whole clinical day without thinking I was going to starve.
Have a happy weekend, everyone! Thank you so much for reading! Xoxo.

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