
Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Waiting Game

I'm a nurse, but sometimes I... am unable to start work in one state because I'm licensed in another.

If you've been following my blog, you may remember that I went to school in Pennsylvania, but am currently living in Ohio. Because I went to school in PA, I took my boards there. I wanted to be licensed in both states anyway, and I had been hearing horror stories about the process of taking the NCLEX in Ohio after going to school in another state. I guess the board was especially slow this summer, and many still weren't getting their permission to test after months of waiting.

I'm extremely glad I made the choice to take my boards where I did, because if I hadn't, I probably still wouldn't have taken the NCLEX for the second time. Again, if you've been following my blog, you know I didn't pass on the first try! So deciding to take the test in PA was a wise choice. However, I wanted to work in Ohio, which meant the transferring of my nursing license. I had secured a job in my hometown at the beginning of summer, and knew that it was supposed to take 4-6 weeks to transfer my license. I thought this would be great... about a month of no studying or worries, a month to enjoy the summer.

So I waited.

After six weeks, I contacted the state board who informed me that the wait should be 6-8 weeks. Although this was a very long time, I continued to wait patiently. Upon the end of the 8th week, still no license. I contacted the state board again, and was able to get in touch with a very nice woman who helped me speed up the process (thank goodness!). So I am now currently licensed in the state of Ohio after what seemed like years of waiting.

Moral of the story, if you're going to transfer your license, be prepared to wait.

Because I've kind of felt like a grump about this waiting game, and I know that there are worse things that could be happening to me, I decided to list some things that make me happy right now:

1. I am employed by someone who was willing to wait all summer to have me as an employee. (Thank goodness for their patience!)
2. I have a wonderful family who has provided me with everything I need throughout this whole process, including a place to live.
3. It is fall, which is my favorite season. And it's October, which means I can start to listen to Christmas music without feeling too guilty.
4. Boots.
5. Comfy sweaters.
6. Watching movies in my dark room with lit candles and fairy lights.
7. The way my dog looks when she's sleeping at the foot of my bed.
8. My friends.
Seriously, the list could go on forever. I know that I'm so fortunate, and I try to remember that even when something like waiting for my license can bring me down. What makes you happy at this very moment?

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